Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Imitation Sea Glass for the Aussie Summer!

This blog post features my colourful new imitation sea glass bead acquisitions!

While perusing craft supplies at Over the Rainbow (one of my favourite online Aussie craft shops) last week, I came across some large hole imitation sea glass beads that would fit onto my charm bead carriers! The beads don’t have cores, but they were nice and cheap, and looked like they would fit in well with my existing charm bead collection, so I ordered quite a few...

Some of my new beads! 

The beads are made from recycled glass and were available individually or in packets of 10. I got packets of 10 beads in 5 colours - Clear, Desert Gold, Shamrock, Pacific Blue and Royal Blue. My order arrived 2 days later, and since then, I have been having lots of fun playing with my new candy-coloured treasures!

A sea bracelet fit for a mermaid!

I have enough to make a whole set of colourful sea glass jewellery! The shape of the beads make them comfortable to wear on my chains and Trollbeads hairband - and they have a large enough hole to fit on my Pandora interchangeable earrings as well. They also feel quite light - which is good for earring beads! I wish there were more than 5 colours available in these beads - a full rainbow would look lovely!

My whole set of imitation sea glass jewellery! (The hairband and stoppers are from Trollbeads, the necklace chain is from Jovana, the earrings are from Pandora, and the bracelet chain with heart clasp is from Soufeel).

I can see myself wearing these beads a lot over the coming Aussie summer! I especially like the way they look all together on my Trollbeads hairband, and I can see them complimenting my collection on a necklace or bracelet, too! I find it handy to have some duplicate beads to tie designs together - and these are a cheap option for doing that.

Some of my new Pacific Blue imitation sea glass beads with rainbow beads by Elsie! The stoppers and bangle are from Trollbeads.

What do you think of my new beads? I hope you like them as much as I do!

~ Enfys

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